Root canal treatment


Root canal treatment, also referred to as endodontic treatment, consists of removing the internal soft tissue of a tooth (the dental pulp in the middle of the crown and root(s) is made up of nerves and blood vessels). We proceed under local anesthetic by making a small opening in the tooth to access the dental pulp. This procedure is used when the cavity has badly damaged the tooth and reached the middle of the tooth or when a tooth is fractured. Sometimes the tooth is very painful before the root canal treatment

A pre-operative x-ray is necessary to detect further possible issues.

Teeth having received root canal treatment can last a long time provided the roots have finished their development.

For any questions or to book an appointment

Contact one of our dental health care professionals in Montréal (Rivières-des-Prairies).

Root canal treatment is a one or two-step process. The tooth and root(s) receiving treatment must be cleaned out and disinfected. The root(s) is /are then filled with temporary or permanent materials. The tooth then needs to be restored using a resin composite or via a crown which is your best option.

Root canal treatments allow you to keep your teeth once the infection has healed.

Root canal treatments allow you to avoid removing teeth but this procedure does render them more fragile. This is why a crown is recommended in order to prevent the tooth from breaking.